Monday, June 24, 2013

June 24, 2013

Boulder Colorado

Today was a "relaxing" day.
We woke up when we wanted. Finally, no noisy neighbors next to us. Blissful sleep for 9 hours, for the first time in 3 days.
We drove to Boulder. Vicki wanted to do a little shopping, and there is a wonderful shopping section in downtown Boulder. Just so well planned and kept up. Super busy, even on a Monday at noon. If you've got a thing for really beautiful downtowns, Boulder is a place you should visit.

I went hiking.

The flatirons are the steep, angular mountains right next to boulder. You literally go to the edge of town and you are hiking in the flat irons. Not sure if it's one word or two.
I started at the Chautaqua:
Lots of people, lots of groups. There are plenty of minor hikes you can to on in the flat irons, but I wanted the highest one. So I went up to see the Royal Arch. Before you start thinking that I did something special, know that I was passed by no fewer than 3 men RUNNING up the path.
It is a bit drier here, just 45 minutes south of loveland. But it is still spring and there is still a variety of beautiful, small wild flowers. And yucca.

I can't say enough about how friendly almost everyone on a trail is. Big smiles and hello's all of the time.
We've been up here for about 2 days. Not enough time to adjust to the elevation yet. But we're pretty happy with out progress so far. I was really huffing and sweating. It's been 6 years since I've been here last, and at 52, I've got my share of old man ailments. Tennis elbow, knee surgery on one knee and the other knee jealous of the first. Bursitis in the left hip, which had me using a cane until about February of this year. Chalk-drawing induced nerve injury 3 weeks ago that kept me from even raising my toes on my left foot.. about 30% recovered so far.

So my point is, I'm very, VERY grateful to be back here and actually able to hike up these trails. Oh, I forgot to mention... Vicki isn't having any trouble at all.

Tomorrow: Sky Pond hike. Have to be at the trail head, an hour away by 7:00 am.
Elevation Start: 9,180
Elevation End: 10,620
Total elevation gain: 1,500 feet
Distance: 10 miles, round trip

BTW, Milwaukee is at about an elevation of 600 feet.
Estes Park (The town inside of Rocky Mountain National Park), about 7,000 feet
Loveland CO (where we are camping): 4,500 feet

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